Going Green Diary: entry #2

by Betty on November 20, 2007

My friend asked me a very legitimate question the other day – why can’t the County (and the Rivanna Waste Authority) offer more than just the recycling of number 1 and number 2 plastics?

A-ha. Great question. One that I plan on pursuing. (Hopefully details on that will follow in later entries)

One way I intend to do that is to attend the December 4th meeting of the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority at the City Council Chambers from 6-7:30pm. The waste authority wants to get residents’ opinions on recycling and other solid waste services in the County and Charlottesville. And I will be happy to share mine. (Mabye I’ll take my low-VOC paint and put “Albemarle County wants curbside recycling!” on a big piece of cardboard) The consultants will then draft a waste management plan and deliver it to the RSWA board.

Many of my neighbors and friends have expressed a sincere desire to recycle, but find themselves bogged down by the time and space it takes to haul their items, and sometimes just give up.

I would like to see the county take as concerted and committed effort as we have seen in the city with their new their extended curbside recycling service (see www.avenue.org/rwsa) and lofty recycling goals (50%).

Currently I am trying to avoid plastics #3-#7, but when I can’t I take them to UVA’s recycling park, which accepts them and hope that’s ok with them. 🙂


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