Green ideas for RIGHT NOW… Betty’s Bakers Dozen List

by Betty on September 18, 2009

Here are some of the get-started now tips I shared during my radio interview (broadcast on 1070AM WINA tomorrow morning at 8:30am with Jennifer Till of the Jennifer Till Real Life show airing on Saturday mornings (check out

1- Reduce your driving. Have one day a week car-free or join a car pool. Contact:

2- Buy local and organic food when possible. Join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)

3- Shift your thermostat by 3 degrees each season (Savings: up to 10% on energy bills)

4- Reduce your junk mail (Unsolicited junk mail uses 62 million trees a year!)

5- Embrace the three minute shower

6- Vinegar and baking soda are your cleaning friends. (You don’t need a different chemical cleaner for each area of your home)

7- Say “NO” to disposables. Bring your own utensils and reusable bottles

8- Think local when gift-giving during holidays and birthdays: choose a gift certificate to a local business like Feast! or Read It Again Sam

9- Clothing: buy second-hand, host a clothing swap, line dry

10- Skip one red meat meal per week (meat is resource intensive) and eat sustainable fish (download or order your wallet card at

11- Install CFL or LED light bulbs and buy energy-efficient appliances (Govt estimates say if every American did this, it would be the equivalent of taking a million cars off the road!)

12- Tighten up your home: sealing any cracks or leaks will maximize your home’s energy efficiency

13- Sign up for Betty’s online newsletter which includes monthly tips and local eco-news at

In-joy, in the Earth Kitchen,

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