3 Things You Should Ask at the Farmer’s Market

by Jill Williams on June 20, 2018

Most people assume that shopping at the Farmer’s Market ensures that the produce sold is truly organic, safely grown and healthy. Most of the time that’s true, but not always. So, we suggest asking a couple of questions to be a savvy shopper at the market this summer.

  1. Is it Organic?
    Organic or not organic, that is the question. Not all vendors at the farmer’s market are organic and pesticide free. Start up a conversation with the vendor about how the food is grown and methods they chose to use on their farm.
  2. Where is your farm located and who grew the food?
    Just because you can find it at your local farmer’s market, doesn’t necessarily mean it is local (within 100 miles of the market). Unless your farmer’s market is a “producer-only” market (one that only sells produce from farmers that grown on their own land), you will want to ask where the farm is located and who grew the food. Some vendors will move from one market to the next without any roots to the area you actually live in.
  3. Do you use pesticides?
    Spots on your apples? That’s the very best kind! We all know that most grocery stores pride themselves on perfect, flawless produce, but that comes with a cost. So ask if the vendor/farm sprays or opts for no or low-spray. For more information on pesticides, please visit EWG’s list of  the dirty dozen.

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