Betty’s Sweet 16! 16 tips for 2016

by Betty on February 9, 2016

Betty driving "recycled" vintage car16 Tips for 2016

1. Join a CSA to get farm fresh local food!
2. Lower your cookprint: use the right size burner for pots and be sure to cover them.
3. Waste less food. Go to to find creative recipes to use up just about anything that’s about to go bad!
4. Eat less meat per week to reduce your carbon and water footprint.
5. “Betty” your lunch by packing your own water bottle, flatware, napkin, and plate.

6. Did you know we use 127% more water than we did in 1950? Don’t leave water running while washing, brushing, or shaving. Each minute can save three to five gallons.
7. Be water wise! Save the water next time you cook pasta or wash veggies. Once the water is cooled, you can use it in your garden or houseplants.

8. Ditch the “phantom” in your home— unplug appliances/electronics when not in use.
9. Light up the Savings! LEDs can use 8 watts compared to 65 or 100 watts. ’nuff said.

10. Borrow instead of buy. Libraries, neighbors, family… you get the idea.
11. Grab your mason jars and buy in bulk this year to avoid packaging.
12. Avoid clothing that needs to be dry-cleaned. Less toxic chemicals and $$ savings for you.

13. Convert to eco-friendly cleaning products or even make your own with a few simple ingredients like baking soda, lemon and soap.
14. Cut down your “waist” and bike to work! hee hee.
15. Keep your broken electronics out of trash. Fix them before you throw them.
16. Use our Betty Recycle Tool to find out how and where to recycling anything!

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